From October 1 to December 15, 2023, the Agricultural Census 2023 will be conducted in the Republic of Serbia. 

From October 1 to December 15, 2023, the Agricultural Census 2023 will be conducted in the Republic of Serbia, prepared, organized and implemented by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) in accordance with the Law on the Agricultural Census 2023 ("Official Gazette RS", No. 76/21) and within the European Union's pre-accession funds project IPA (Instrument Pre-accession Assistance) 2018. 2023 Agricultural Census, as well as 2022 Population Census, is financed by the European Union with 55, 17% of funds.

The applied instruments, coverage, features and standardization of concepts and definitions are in accordance with the World Program of Agriculture Census 2020 (FAO-UN), the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on unified statistics of agricultural holdings (Regulation [EC] No 2018/1091 of the European parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018, on integrated farm statistics and repealing Regulations [EC] No 1166/2008 and [EU] No 1337/2011) and Eurostat methodology.

The main objectives of the Census are:

Continuity in providing a comprehensive, internationally comparable, overview of the structural characteristics of national agriculture,

Production of statistical data needed to create a sustainable agricultural policy,

Updating of the Statistical Register of Agricultural holdings, which provides a framework for conducting regular statistical surveys aligned with international standards, which, together with structural surveys, represent the backbone of the agricultural statistics system. 

The Census will enumerate:

Family agricultural holdings,

Business companies, agricultural cooperatives, other forms of organization with the status of a legal entity and entrepreneurs registered to predominantly perform agricultural production activities,

Business companies, agricultural cooperatives, other forms of organization with the status of a legal entity and entrepreneurs registered in another activity that have organizational parts in which the activity of agricultural production is carried out. 

As the Census is conducted according to the modular principle, the basic characteristics of agricultural holdings: identification data of the holding, land fund and categories of agricultural land use, data on the workforce and data on the number of livestock are collected by the complete coverage of the observation units. Data on organic production will be taken from an administrative source - the records of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management. Data for other features (irrigation of areas under crops, livestock keeping, soil cultivation and maintenance, use of fertilizers, agricultural facilities, machinery and equipment) will be collected on the sample.

253 municipal coordinators and 2 842 enumerators will work as direct executors of the Census.

Certain tasks of preparation, organization and implementation of the census of family holdings on the territory of municipalities and cities are carried out by SORS through census commissions appointed in cooperation with local self-government units.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management is also involved in the performance of certain tasks related to the Census, in addition to SORS.

From September 28 to December 15, 2023, SORS organized the work of an info centre with the task of providing all the necessary information to the population via the free phone line: 0800 444 005

On the website of the Census, popispoljoprivrede.stat.gov.rs, you can find all important information, as well as prepared methodological materials for conducting the Census. 

Last updated: March 5, 2025, 14:21